
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Are you ready, set...GO!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  Are you excited, are you ready?  Today is day 1 of give a comment, receive a comment so if you haven't already done so you will want to pull up a chair and take a few moments to visit all the numbers ending in 1.  Tomorrow we will visit all the numbers ending in 2 and so on.  If you want to do it all at once today that is fine too!  While visiting don't forget to follow all the lovely ladies and leave them some love.

Please note that somewhere between 61 and 71 an entry was deleted since this morning so the second half of the numbers have shifted back one.  Please watch for this so that we don't leave anyone out of the fun!!!

Thanks and enjoy!


  1. Happy New Year! I have visited the blogs and such creativity is very inspiring. Thank you for organizing this :)

  2. Thanks for this!! I have done numbers ending in and 2 cos I'm a day ahead of you guys (as I'm in Australia!!) I look forward to the next 8 days to see some more wonderful blogs!! Thanks again!!

  3. Oh what fun ut is find new blogs and meet new friends! I have visited and kept love align with becoming a follower. Thanks! Happy New Year! Amy

  4. How fun! It's been nice getting to see a bunch of blogs I may have never seen. Plus, Google Reader keeps me from being bored; new blogs to read makes me happy!

  5. Hi Karen,
    I love this initiative and have visited the blogs, I love this way to make new blog-friends !
    Thanks and Happy New Year !

  6. Thanks!!! I viited at least 18 blogs already and left my comments there)))
    A Happy New Year!!!

  7. Hi Karen,
    Yep I got caught out on that as I did my rounds when there were 112 entries. Was talking to my daughter and she said no there are only 111 so I'm very releived to know I'm not completely Ga Ga even though it meant I had to go back and revisit another 7 blogs! So appologies to all those bloggers that are wondering what the heck I was doing leaving comments out of sequence.

  8. Thank you so much for this, ive had a ball visting blogs i would never have found on my own and am now following them all as well..
    Happy New Year and THANK YOU.
    Shell xxx
    ps thanks for all your hard work through the year xx

  9. I hope its not too late to join. I would love to visit everyone and get to know all of you!!
    What a great idea!!
    Happy New Years Everyone!!

  10. Happy New Year!!

    Thanks for all the hard work you do listing all the challenges and the sketches, what a great idea.

    Love and hugs
    Susan and Emma


Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! We love hearing from you and thank you for the inspiration!