
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Announcement... Karen is retiring!

Hi everyone!  As some of you may already know, my true passion is making cards for Operation Write Home and so I’ve decided to retire from Feline Playful and follow my true calling.  I’m very happy and excited to share with you that Feline Playful's Lead Challenge Coordinator, Shelley Dureau, has graciously agreed to take over Feline Playful and is the new owner. Shelley has been the motivation behind Feline Playful for some time now and has many amazing things planned that I’m sure you will love.

I sincerely hope that you will continue to help out and will wholehearted give Shelley your full support. Although I will no longer be involved with the blog I will be working behind the scenes with Shelley to transition the blog and ask that going forward you kindly direct all questions and concerns to Shelley.  I’ve already updated the email address on the blog so that future emails go to Shelley but will continue to forward to her any emails that may come my way.

Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me and Feline Playful, I truly appreciate it!

Hugs, Karen


  1. I love your blog. Good luck Karen.

  2. Thank you Karen for creating this wonderful blog
    and congratulations to Shelley on becoming the new owner. Looking forward to seeing the great things you have planned

  3. Karne a Huge HUGS and Thank You coming your way... I for one Love Feline PLayful and visit on a "daily basis". I know that you have to follow where your Heart leads, but I know that the soliders and DT are soo happy over at OWH.


  4. Good luck, Karen! Shelley, I can't wait to see what you have in store!! :D

  5. Love your blog! And I am happy I am a follower 0 this helps me a lot!!!!
    Thanks for your daily work!

  6. Good luck in your futer endeavors, Karen!!!

  7. Thanks Karen for starting this wonderful blog. The serive that it provides to all of us is beyone Awesome!

    I am so glad to hear that it will continue on. Thanks so much to Shelley and the team for the continued service.

    Hugs, Marjo

  8. Best to you in all you do Karen- what a fantastic blog this is- I so appreciate it and use it alot! Hugs

  9. Karen, thank your for your effort in creating this wonderful blog. I wish you the best. May you always have time to do what you love and love what you do.

    Congratulations, Shelly on becoming the new owner. I am looking forward to whatever you have planned.

    Best wishes to both of you. XX

  10. Karen, you introduced me to the world of card challenges and I always relied on you to help me find them. I love OWH as well, and certainly understand your desire to focus on it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you've done and great good luck in the future! Ms. Petersen

  11. Oh what a shame...I have only just this very moment discovered your wonderful blog. I am sure you will love to have the time create again.

  12. Wishing you the very best of luck Karen. This blog is amazing and everyone who is a part of it also.
    Thank you for all you've done.xx

  13. Good luck Karen,thanks for

  14. Enjoy your card making and thank you so much for everything you have done. This is a fabulous resource. I am looking forward to seeing what Shelley has planned.

  15. Oh Karen, so sad that you are leaving but I understand completely!
    Thank you so much for all the hard work in updating this blog daily.
    Really made our life easier!!!
    I wish you good luck in your life!!!

    Shelley, thank you so much for taking it over and keeping this blog on... I really love Feline Playful..


  16. good luck with the future Karen and thank you for starting this great blog x

  17. thanks Karen, for all what you've done....wish you much fun with your cards for Operation Write Home!

    Shelley, lots of success!
    xxx Margreet

  18. Thanks for everything Karen, your blog's the best!! Enjoy your time creating! Hugs, Frea

  19. My very best wishes to Karen on her 'Retirement', I know how hard she works for OWH and I'm happy she will be doing that more again.

    I thank her for coming up with this wonderful blog and I love it! I'm very happy to know it will continue to be here and THANK YOU all for making it such a great place!

    Hugs all around,

  20. I would like to thank you for this site. It really does help for those of us who like to enter our cards at the correct site. You will be missed, but I'm sure that everyone will welcome Shelley. In fact; welcome Shelley. LOL. I wasn't sure if you woulb both be reading this or not. Hugs, dj1952 (Debra)

  21. Big hugs, Karen!! Thank you for absolutely everything you have done here. I'm sure it has been a tremendous amount of work for you, but it is appreciated so very, very much!! I'm sure I will "see" you over at OWH.

  22. Feline Palyful is my best site its helps me a lot, thanks is a very small word for you, because this site is beyond the word thanks, but thanks to you to create it.I appreciate a lot for what u leave the site.Congratulation to Shelly and many many thanks for continuing this site.

  23. THANK YOU for this blog, but THANK YOU even more for making cards for OWH. That is where my passion is as well.

    Hugs and ALL THE BEST!

  24. This is a wonderful site good luck to u and I am sure we shall all support Shelly too look so much forward to this expanding and growing many thanks and good wishes to all

    liz xx

  25. Thank you for all all your hard work and your brilliant idea of this blog. Good for you pursuring your passion - and for such a good cause.
    Thank you.


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