
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Welcome... CHALLENGE Coordinators

Hi everyone! One of our challenge coordinators, Mari, had to step down due to medical reasons and although we are sad to see her go and pray for her quick recovery we are excited to welcome our newest members to the team. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to our new Challenge Coordinators:

Berenice, Challenge Coordinator
Sweet Escape

Erum, Challenge Coordinator

Juliet, Challenge Coordinator
Ballpoint Bliss

Linda, Challenge & Winners Coordinator
Lindy's Maid Wid Luv

We hope you will take a few moments to visit their blogs to congratulate them and leave them lots of love! A HUGE thanks to Berenice, Erum, Juliet and Linda for their heartfelt generosity! You ladies are truly the BEST!!!



  1. This is becoming an incredible resource. I've been watching the changes over the past months & am very impressed although I stopped entering & following many challenges as I found that keeping the info up meant I didn't craft but got mired in the computer functions. This is looking an amazing project.
    Paula (PEP)

  2. Sorry to hear that Mari is poorly, hope she gets well soon!

    Welcome to the new Coorfinators! and thanks in advance for your work here!

    This Blog is in a word AWESOME!!! thanks hugs Samantha ABC Christmas Challenge :0)

  3. You ladies are fabulous. Thank you for all you hard work.

  4. Thank you, thank you for all this work you do!!!!


Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! We love hearing from you and thank you for the inspiration!